A CONVERSATION: 3 paintings by Doug Carter, Jon Cleland & Jim Mullin

A CONVERSATION Doug Carter, Jon Cleland & Jim Mullin June 22- July 28, 2024. Opening Reception Saturday June 22, 2024 @ 7 PM, Birthday party for Jim Mullin, Sat. July 27, 1-4 pm.

Jim often said that he’d like to exhibit with Doug and Jon, whom he admired as artists, but the actual impetus was rooted in the twenty year gap between their ages, which inevitably informs their influences and practice. He’d already collaborated with Doug on a series of large scale found object works, and this kind of creative conversation continued many years later, while spray painting on urban rooftop walls with Jon.

I was totally amazed, slightly trepidatious and so grateful when these two artists, who had never met, accepted an invitation to collaborate on 3 paintings with their late friend. This exhibition marks Jim’s 60th birthday on July 27th, 2024.

Happy birthday Jim.

Denise Lisson